I think it's almost time for me to cross off number 16 from my Bucket list. For those of you who haven't memorized it... #16 is "Get Dreadlocks"
Now, let's be realistic. We all know I'm not going to give up on personal hygiene (which, by the way, hardly anyone does when growing dreads). I'll probably only do it for a month or two. Which means I can't go about the traditional methods. I heard Elmer's glue works for Mohawks. Would I be completely retarded to try in on my own head for dreadlocks? If it doesn't work out, I've done my research and it looks like it will wash out fairly easily. Sooo.. opinions, people. I need your opinions. (Okay, I'll be honest. Even if every single person that reads this says I'd be stupid to try it.. I'll probably do it anyway. Woohoo!!)

Oh, and these are the longest dreads in the world (Probably.) No one really knows because apparently there are some religions where you can't let anyone see your dreadlocks.. including your own spouse. Pretty interesting, eh? Oh, and I read somewhere that Samson had dreadlocks.. which isn't really that hard for me to believe! I should go read that story...
Thanks for your time! :D
I've heard of using wax... and setting it with a blowdrier or straightener.
and apparently crochet hooks are helpful as well.
I've heard of using wax... and setting it with a blowdrier or straightener.
and apparently crochet hooks are helpful as well.
ah celeste... good luck with the dreads... haha. love you! oh ya sorry i didn't text you back last night, i had a family party. thanks for the invite though!
DO IT, DO IT, DOO IITTT!! hahaha. You know I've always been in favor of your dreads. Although it will probably look a little funny.. I'll support that. :D Although I have no idea how you would go about it. I will also support you following your own research.
P.S. I wanna come to institute!!!
do it. i don't know how...but do it
And this is why we're friends. We're gonna be freaky hair friends and I'm super excited! Boom baby!
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