It's probably one of my new favorites. The possibilities are endless!
It takes the words you use on your blog (or in this case.. my myspace. Yeah. I'm cool) and makes the words you use the most often the biggest. I didn't even CHEAT! So.. I feel pretty good right now. Go play around with it! It's a party.
If you click on it, it's huge. I think my favorite parts are
"shooting someone"
"God conversations"
"Lake Noodles"
"Family Good"
"Arby's Day"
"Definately" (Hey, I was in Jr. High when I wrote that. Cut me some slack, Jack!)
I like
"clothing HATE clothes" Hahaha
or "someone stomache"
"feel powell" is definitely an appropriate one. :P
Mine is a lot less fun than yours. I like the the word love is so freaking huge! The biggest ones on mine are concert and now. Lame!!
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