Dec 29, 2009
Inexplicable Love.
Dec 12, 2009
Sometimes I Hate Sarcasm..
This morning my parents left on a Hawaiian cruise.
For one week they will be relaxing, swimming, tanning, surfing, scuba-diving, eating, playing, and basically having the time of their lives.
I do a lot for my parents. I let them borrow my car and laptop sometimes, I tell my dad when he's being annoying so that he doesn't embarrass himself, and sometimes I even clean my room. Even though I do all this, they still don't feel the need to return the favor and they decide to go on a cruise without me! Can you believe it? I mean, even if it is their present to themselves for their 25th wedding anniversary, shouldn't they celebrate it with their children? I mean, they owe that to us, don't they?

(hehe.. just kidding. I'm actually really excited for my parents. Oh, and WEEK LONG PARTY AT MY HOUSE!)
Nov 20, 2009
Oh, What a Wonderful Feeeeeliiiing..
- Just shaved legs + lotion
- Putting on headphones and brushing hair out from between them and my ear. (this is one of the strangest ones.. haha)
- Compliments from strangers
- Compliments about things that I don't find impressive
- Letting my hair down after it's been up for long time
- Putting on MY clothes after wearing a uniform
- Tight shoelaces
- Smiles from kids
- Making people laugh
- Arby's, Ice Cream, and Chocolate
- Blasting the songs that speak to my soul
- Imagining people doing bizarre things
- Singing with the fam
- Reading my Patriarchal Blessing
- Just-after sore muscles. Like.. tired muscles? I hope that makes sense
- Not wearing eye makeup so that I can rub my eyes
- Catching a glimpse of myself in a mirror and liking what I see
- Dancing in the mirror (come on, we all do it)
- Reading something that your brain has been trying to figure out (this one is hard for me to explain. Usually this is gospel related, but sometimes it can be philisophical)
- Reading or seeing something that changes my perspective on life
- Intelligent conversation
- Being with somebody that doesn't have to fill the silence
- Being extremely tired and able to go to sleep without feeling guilty
- Talking to people who love me
- Helping somebody with anything
- Forgetting stereotypes
- Giving money/food to hobos
- Watching the people I love excel at something
- Finding a new author who's work I enjoy
- Feeling productive
- Driving a just-washed car
- Wearing aviators-- everybody should own a pair
- Playing a song from memory for the first time
- Finding a new friend that understands sarcasm

Nov 12, 2009
Plastic in Motion

Anyway. That's her the girl who's going to play Barbie. She's gorgeous, don't you think?!
I'm doing a speech on the controversies of Barbie in my Comm 1010 class. There are some really hilarious ones, some that are a little ridiculous, and some that make you want to smack people. All in all, I'm really enjoying putting this speech together. I think it will be entertaining for my class.
In spending so much time with my childhood friend, I've realized that I've verbally abused her in my teens, and I wanted to take some time to formally apologize.
Barbie, you did a lot for me. You allowed my imagination to blossom. You helped me develop my own picture of an ideal life. You helped me decide what was important in life. You made me recognize the importance of being an individual, instead of trying to be the "ideal" woman. You helped me to learn how to take care of my home (because of that grill-thing.. that was downright foul after a couple weeks). You made me want to take care of my figure. :D
So, my dear friend Barbara. I'm sorry for talking about you behind your back, allowing Eric to rip of your heads (and rip off Ken's leg so that he could pretend it was a hotdog), and abusing you in so many different ways. Thanks for always being there for me. Despite your perfect looks and the jealousy all girls feel toward you, you are a true friend.
Haha.. I can't decide if I was really being serious or mostly sarcastic.. I mean, I really do feel bad for all the neglect and cruelty Barbie faces not only from me but from most teenage girls. She can't help looking perfect! In fact, I'm pretty sure that if she DIDN'T look the way she does, girls would have no interest in playing with her in the first place and she wouldn't be nearly as successful as she is.. which is probably why the pregnant Barbie faced so much criticism.
On the other hand, I feel bad for the girls that make it their goal to look like her, because it's impossible. I mean physically, there's no way Barbie could exist with the proportions she has. Her waist to hip ratio wouldn't allow menstruation. Her ankles wouldn't support her weight. The company claims they make her with those proportions so that the clothes are easier to make, causing the doll to cost less.
Basically I loved playing with Barbie when I was little, I didn't care that I didn't look like her, and I don't mind that I don't look like her now. I'm pretty sure it all comes down to how confident you are with yourself.
Oct 27, 2009
Oct 16, 2009
Love and Marriage.
--Jane Austen
—Jane Austen
Sep 19, 2009
Life as of Late

Started at the Lion House. I'm working as a banquet server. Lovin it so far!

I've played at a couple of the Murray football games because Wilson is battling leukemia and their student teacher is clueless. Figure if I can help at all, I should. (If interested in doing a light the night for Wilson, join the group on Facebook.)

(It's creepy how many pictures there are of Murray on the internet because of David.)

Sep 12, 2009
Aug 27, 2009
Aug 15, 2009
Aug 10, 2009
Chicken Nuggets
Aug 4, 2009
Prophet of God
Aug 1, 2009
August Apples.
- Eat healthy.
- Help around the house a little more.
Quote time!
Jul 14, 2009
Mountains and Awesomeness.
Jul 7, 2009
Jewel. Ay!
Not much to say.. so I guess I'll just post some pictures. :D

Probably my favorite part. The reflection.
I Guess I could talk about why I did a tree on a rock in the middle of nowhere..
Why a tree? I've always liked trees. I like most plants, but flowers are overrated and I feel like trees aren't as appreciated as they could be. I mean, think about all they do for us! They give us shade, let us climb all over them, and we can string up hammocks or tire swings! Who doesn't love a good tire swing? I did read a story about an evil tree a while back, and I know sometimes they cause hardships when they fall through ceilings and whatnot.. but I think the majority of the time they are our protectors, helpers, and friends. :D
Why a rock? I've always loved the idea of being able to do something that everyone thinks is impossible. I think that sometimes people can be ignorant of all the incredible things we're capapble of doing just because it seems like it wouldn't work. I guess that's why I wanted the tree to grow on a rock instead of normal land or something. Also, I've always loved the doctrine of having a "sure foundation" so it seemed appropriate.
Why the middle of the ocean? This one is a little harder for me to explain. I can be pretty antisocial at times.. so I think that had a little to do with it. Also, I liked that this tree didn't need help from anyone to grow except the water, sun, and rock. Again, it's kind of the "against all odds" theme again.. Yep. That's all.
Tell me what you think I can improve! There's still something missing, I think.
- Second job.. (sigh..)
- Eat healthy
- $1 a day!!
"When things of the world crowd in, all too often the wrong things take highest priority... Satan has a powerful tool to use against good people. Fill their lives with "good things" so there is no room for the essential ones."
-=-Richard G. Scott
Jun 30, 2009
Jun 13, 2009
It's probably one of my new favorites. The possibilities are endless!
It takes the words you use on your blog (or in this case.. my myspace. Yeah. I'm cool) and makes the words you use the most often the biggest. I didn't even CHEAT! So.. I feel pretty good right now. Go play around with it! It's a party.
Jun 3, 2009

Gosh, I love editing. I love trying to capture the most emotion possible from any given moment. The only thing that I'm getting sick of is editing pictures of myself. Anyone want to have a photoshoot with me and allow me to mess with the pictures? It would be mucho appreciated.
Jun 2, 2009
June, Baby!

Not extremely noticeable.. but perfect for me. I'm loving them! Thanks to both Christine and Chelsey, who spent about an hour each working on them. It took me about 6 hours to finish, and then today I've had to fix them quite a bit. They got really frizzy from playing in the rain and being washed. I really need a crochet hook to get the loose hairs, and I haven't found one yet. No worries, though. I'm not giving up. :D Seriously, I think everyone should get dreadlocks.
Also, I was going to try to put my skydiving video up, but I'm not as computer-saavy as I need to be in order to do that.. Sorry. If you want to see it, call me up and we'll watch it. Basically, it was the best experience of my life. If you have the opportunity to go (and can afford it) DO IT. Totally worth the time and money. I might even go again.
I've been thinking a lot about modern miracles.. and I've realized how often I fail to recognize God's hand in things. Even when bad things happen to us, it's comforting to know that He's watching us and knows what we can handle. :)
All my friends are leaving on missions. Very bittersweet. I'm excited for them, and I'm REALLY excited for my life to keep progressing.. but I'm realizing how little of a social life I have.. and now that I'm noticing, I want to fix it right when everyone's gone. I guess that means I need to make some new friends.. (sigh).. Meeting people is so hard for me. I hate talking.
Have an awesome month!
- Less spending money on food
- Be Happier
Creativity arises out of the tension between spontaneity and limitations, the latter (like the river banks) forcing the spontaneity into the various forms which are essential to the work of art or poem.”
-Rollo May
May 29, 2009

Oh, and these are the longest dreads in the world (Probably.) No one really knows because apparently there are some religions where you can't let anyone see your dreadlocks.. including your own spouse. Pretty interesting, eh? Oh, and I read somewhere that Samson had dreadlocks.. which isn't really that hard for me to believe! I should go read that story...
Thanks for your time! :D
May 2, 2009
May I?

I can't even contain my excitement. If you were near me.. you'd be able to hear the smile on my face. It would probably sound something like electricity.
Everyone keeps telling me how nervous they would be if they were in my postition.. but I'm not nervous at all! It's probably due to the fact that I haven't thought much about what I'm actually going to do..
Also, I'm ALMOST DONE with my wall! I'll put up a nice long display of the process. Except it might not be very long.. considering i've only taken a couple pictures.
May is my NO CHOCOLATE month this year. Let me tell you, after one day I'm already struggling. Especially last night at Maddi's party.. there were delicious looking brownies right in front of me.. and the smells coming from those things were glorious. You should all be proud of me, though, because i didn't partake of the goodness. I stuck with the fruit flavored tootsie rolls instead. haha..
Anyway, that's pretty much all I have to say at the moment! Hope you all enjoy yourselves!
- No chocolate
- Exercise
- Scripture Habits.. (I've been lacking in that department.)
I have to thank Christine for this one. She wrote it in a letter to me once, and I loved it.
"No one can have the influence you have been prepared to have on all who come within your sphere of influence. Without question, no one can fulfill your foreordained mission. No one can do what you were sent here to do. No one." --Sheri Dew
Apr 27, 2009

Apr 1, 2009
Ay, pruhl?
- Finish my wall
- Notice other people's good traits before their bad ones.
- Write a song! (gulp..)
Quote time!
(Lucky you! There are 3 quotes today)
"Confidence in nonsense is a requirement for the creative process."-=--M. C. Escher
"Don't be afraid of mistakes, there aren't any"-=-Miles Davis
"To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong."-=-Joseph Chilton Pearce
Mar 26, 2009
Posting Frenzy
"Option one: It turns out you're less of a miserable person than you thought you were, and you go to heaven.
Option two: You're not quite the wonderful person you thought you were, and you go to the other place that people these days spell with double hockey sticks, which, by the way, doesn't make much sense, because that's the only sport they can't play down there unless they're skating on boiling water instead of ice, but it ain't gonna happen, because all the walk-on-water types'll be up in heaven"
He continues, but that's the most quotable part of the section. Anyway. Good author! My favorite of his so far is "Unwind", but if you're going to read it, be prepared to be a little creeped out. He takes strange situations and tries to make them normal. Actually, he's pro at making them seem normal.. so it will mess with your emotions a little. :) Good times.
Mar 24, 2009
Mar 23, 2009
Another List
Mar 3, 2009
Mar 2, 2009
Charm. or March... mixed up.
- Daily Scripture Study
- More Cooking
- More Cleaning
- Smile more!
"You know, when you stop being frightened, time really is on your side. And you can just go on being you. "--J.D. on Scrubs.
Feb 6, 2009
Feb 2, 2009
Feb 1, 2009
- Daily Scripture Study!
- Optimism!
- Holding my tongue.
"Personally, I mistrust all handsome men. The superficial pleasures of this life come too easily to them, and they seem to walk the world as though they themselves were personally responsible for their own good looks." -Roald Dahl in Galloping Foxley
(Just to make myself clear.. I don't agree completely with that quote. I do trust some handsome men, but it's easy for me to see what he means. I love reading other people's thoughts.)
Jan 15, 2009

Jan 9, 2009
oh, what a day.
Jan 5, 2009
two thousand and nine.
- Get married.
- Have kids
- Make someone else's wedding dress.
- Take a ballroom class with husband (and possibly with kids)
- Get a banana seat bike with a basket
- Ride in said basket with a huge prom dress and hubby pedaling in a suit.
- Get a black eye
- Break a bottle
- Hike Mt. Olympus
- Run a marathon
- Be in a movie
- Learn how to say the alphabet backwards
- Get an old Beamer and fix it up
- Go to Africa
- Write a freaking awesome song.
- Get dreadlocks
- Be a rollercoaster critic
- Have an art room in my house
- Get (fake) Henna.
- Bum-wars! (Ask if you really want to know.)
- Invent a non-water shower
- Live in Cali or Mexico
- Set a world record
- Go to prison (not behind bars..)
- Make the perfect grilled cheese sandwich
- Be in a crew
- Find a geode
- Be in advertising
- Be a photographer
- Make a bomb
- Umm.. this one's a little personal. hehe..
- Skydive
- Be on the cover of (any) magazine
- Throw a brick through a window
- Fire someone
- Hit a pedestrian (not... hard..)
- Become a ninja
- Get past a bouncer
- Make a seatbelt belt.
- Ride in a helicopter (check!!)
- Go to a fashion show in Europe
- Perform a song on stage(check!!)
- Have a car with a sunroof (check!!)
- Spend a day in silence
- Learn Italian (fluently)
- Learn how to ride a longboard
- Have a swing in my home
- Hot tub in a snow storm
- Donate to/start a charity
- Pull awesome pranks on people
- Set at least one couple up
- Fall in love
- Go on a safari
- Have a song dedicated to me
- (stolen from Walk To remember) Befriend someone I strongly dislike
- Shoot the Tube
- Roast Mallows in broad daylight
- Pretend to be a bum
- Play tunes for spare change downtown
- Work in a haunted house
- Run through a giant field of flowers
- Write a book
- Ride in a pedal-boat
- Save a life
- Buy a house with cash.
- Make homemade butter (prefferably in a churn-thing)
- Build a treehouse
- Hunt for UFO's
- Wear rainbow eyeshadow for a day
- Ride in a hot-air balloon
- Befriend someone who's terminal
- Learn to cut hair (well)
- Air Chair!
- Learn to do a standing backflip
- Wear only skirts/dresses for a month
- Moonwalk like a pro
- Convince someone my name is Travis and never tell them the truth
- Learn to keep my room clean
- Pretend to be a moviestar in public
- Own a business
- Pull an all-nighter
- Learn Sign-language
- Work in a preschool
- Motivate people!
- Fly.
- Have a living funeral
- Have pizza at my wedding reception
- Smile for a whole day :D
- Win a contest
- Copyright a color
- Have a star named after me
- Learn Clair de Lune
- and Rhapsody in Blue
- Get a Hole in One!
- Pet a Lion.
- Swim in the Azores w/ family
- Maky my dad eat an olive
- Go a day(at home) without looking in the mirror
- Scuba dive
- Die. :)
(Umm.. I would do goal time.. but.. yeah.)
Quote Time!
"Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment." -- Jim Rohn